Mama it is your momentous 60th birthday today and I wanted to take this opportunity to express how much you mean to us. You always had a special place in my heart but after losing papa in 2012, I realized how utterly irreplaceable and precious you are. Every minute spent with you is priceless. We want to let you know today that you are the reason our world is so bright and cheerful. You taught us how to be strong and thank Allah even in the worst of times. We may not say this as much as we should, but as years pass by, we realize you were right, even when we thought you were wrong. Whatever you did in life was mostly because of us. You adapted your whole life for us. We owe more than words can express to you: respect, love, gratitude, time and so much more.

60 Reasons I Love You Mama
1. You are by far the bravest woman we have seen. You were so daring when the whole world was against us right after papa’s passing. When our security guard wanted to go on a leave, you said you may go but leave your gun with me in case someone barges in.
2. You are the most beautiful, ‘man of our house’.
3. Almost single-handedly you constructed our house which papa had started. You have done a marvelous job with everything including the nitty gritty details. Now you manage the tenants, repairs, house structure and maintenance from every angle. Hats off to you!
4. When I was going through the hardest time of my life, you were my toughest support. You never enforced any decision on me. Rather you told me that I have your full support in whatever I decide for myself. I realize now, that was so mature of you! Even though you were financially zero, you told me I don’t have to worry about anything and happily took my burden for years.
5. You are so intelligent and can converse on any topic with anyone in the world. Even with random people sitting next to you in airplanes. It amazes us how you can break the ice so easily. It’s remarkable how you have found best friends on your Daewoo trips.

6. You have friends from all mammals, ages, dresses, cultures and socio-economic levels. Your friendship knows no boundaries. You are a very loyal friend and make effort to keep in touch. No wonder, your friends think so highly of you. If you were not our mother, we would choose you as our friend.
7. You are an amazing multi-tasker. It’s incredible how you can efficiently manage so much at the same time. You handle inside and outside house issues so well.

8. You have a go-getter attitude. When you know you have to do something, you go out there and get it done and over with (except your e-mba financial accounting exam which is still pending 😉
9. You are not interfering at all and mind your own business (most of the time). You are well mannered and extremely courteous.
10. You are interested to learn about anything and everything. You indulge in intellectual conversations; always wanting to know more about the world and how things work.
11. You are determined and headstrong when it comes to being a man and getting things done. You are kind hearted and loving when it comes to being our Mama.
12. You are kind to our staff and those who have problems in making their ends meet.
13. You taught us how to be strong independent women.
14. You always encouraged me in sports (in spite of my 200+ injuries).

15. You tell us ‘Zyada mat sochein’ (don’t think too much) when we get carried away.
16. You’re intuitive and were there whenever we needed you.
17. You locked us out of the house when we didn’t respect curfew time on countless occasions.
18. You let us be ourselves and don’t check us so much that our personality changes.
19. You did not let us fuss over petty issues like dhoop, make up and brand consciousness like other mothers did.
20. You keep the perfect balance in life and you have your priorities set right.
21. You are enthusiastic, full of life and always exploding with ideas. You love food, and have a sparkle in your eyes whenever you talk about things you love.
22. You have your friend-modes with us where we have so much fun together. And then you have your Mother-modes where you shout the hell out of us when we don’t act up to your expectations.
23. You don’t get offended and let us make jokes on you and go hysterical laughing with us. Very few people have this quality.

24. Our late night sessions when we go berserk and giggle like crazy.
25. Your baking was just amazing. Lemon meringue pie, swiss rolls, strawberry tart and our birthday cakes were all deadly.
26. Your cooking is so good especially your Singaporean rice and chicken roast.
27. You are our best friend and have always been that way. Since childhood, we could come and discuss our issues with you. We could share anything with you as you have always been open minded. My criteria was that I shouldn’t do anything that I wouldn’t be comfortable telling you.

28. You taught us how to be kind to animals, humans and those who are less fortunate.
29. You love adventure and would take us out for picnics all our lives. Your passion for the sea and mountains is contagious.
30. You sympathized with us just when we needed it and you taught us to be brave and ‘kuch nahi hua’ if we ever fussed on bruises and scratches. You would take me to the hospital every time I would break my fingers, arms or legs.

31. You sing so well. Your voice is so soothing. You would sing us the sweetest bedtime lori’s and songs which still make us emotional.
32. Whenever we had nightmares and had sleeping problems, your kisses always made it better.
33. You taught us manners and courtesies which are unheard-of elsewhere. We value them so much more now.
34. You talk to animals, plants and babies.

35. You love us more than anything and anyone in the world. (We love to think so). You are expressive about your love. Your words, hugs and kisses are enough to express your love. You once hugged our kitty ‘Snow White’ so hard that it burped!
36. You taught us really funny urdu words like oot patang, afra tafreeh, ultam pultam aloo bata and ulli pulli, utti puttie.
37. You call us and ask us to sit in your lap. When we do, you call us ‘moti bhens’ (fat cow). You provide us with just the right cushioning we need.
38. You always told us to focus on who we are from inside more than our appearance.
39. You taught us to deck up and pretend to be strong especially when we are feeling the weakest.

40. You decorated all our 25+ houses so well. They were dazzling, gorgeous and enough to make anyone want to stay there. Your home interior sense is just spectacular. You always encouraged us to decorate our room exactly how we wanted.
41. You made painting gifts for our friends when they called us on their birthdays and we had limited budget. You even offered your own picture frames for the gifts.
42. Your faith in Allah is inspiring. You always taught us to be nice and good to others even if they’re your enemies.
43. You are extremely inspiring with your love for Allah, family, hobbies, people, places and yourself. Love your habit of reading the Quran in the garden.

44. You are not bothered about clothes, shoes or makeup and focus your energies, time and money on more important things in life.
45. It surprises us how you don’t wear any make up but always look gorgeous Mashallah.
46. How you love reading and hate shopping!
47. You taught us how to keep a house which is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy. You always asked us to keep tidy rooms but didn’t obsess over it too much.
48. Your love for museums, art galleries and cultural festivities is inspirational.
49. You are full of life and your art group is so much fun too. You almost never sit idle. You are always busy in new projects. We found you up on the wall, setting curtains right, carrying sofas on your own, planning house construction. You are always up to one thing or the other.
50. We are so proud of your art, Punjabi language, writing articles and books, publishing books, teaching, editing and counselling skills. Your paintings are exotic, and your misty names of paintings are so funny.

51. You are very generous and offer to give us money no matter how rich we are. You also don’t ask us for financial assistance no matter how broke you are.
52. No matter what stage of life, we are going through, you have self-help books for every occasion.
53. You always give good advice and are a great counselor. You really have healing powers. You also have expert counsellor friends who can help a person going through any kind of pain.

54. You are who you are. You can never be fake or try to be who you’re not. You are genuine to the core.
55. For you, family has always come first. Your hobbies and friends come later and you are always there for us whenever we need you.
56. Your write incredibly well.
57. You take care of your parents like no one else in the world. You are one only child everyone would dream of. We love your parents more than anything else. They’re adorable and world’s best grandparents.

58. You are such a good listener (Well, most of the times) that we want to keep telling you funny stories over and over.
59. You let us keep our furry sweethearts in our home who make it so much brighter (and cloudier lol).
60. Your laugh is contagious. You laugh not only with your mouth but with your cheeks, eyes and stomach. ‘Mixed Nuts’ always used to make you go hysterical.

We wish nothing but the best for you and hope Allah blesses you with a healthy, comfortable and peaceful life always. May you never see any more pain and misery. After a whole life of dedication and hard work, now you only deserve leisure and serenity.
Love you forever,

If you’re a mom and are looking to read some inspiring motherhood articles check this blog out.
This is such a beautiful peace! love and prayers for you all :*
This is such a beautiful piece! love and prayers for you all:*
My jan, you have completely bowled me over. I’m overwhelmed with your Love, your eloquence and your amazing details. Just love your writing skills and ability to get to the depths of your subject. I’m honoured, and feel so humble too. May Allah bless and protect you now and always. Ameen.
May Allah Bless You And All Your Family
May Allah Bless You And All Your Family
Thankyou so much. May Allah bless you too
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