Guest Post: 10-Point Self-Talk

Hi there. I’m Sarah Ahmed Malik. I’m 21 and the youngest in my family. I’ve always been treated like a child with a lot of love. My childhood was full of precious moments and laughter. This was the reason I never thought about adulthood, what it will bring to me and how the world outside …

14 Tips for Positive Parenting

Positive parenting is about developing a strong and deep relationship with our children based on mutual respect and communication. It’s all about teaching children to be better human beings through inspiration and positive reinforcement. An important aspect of positive parenting is to treat our children as individuals, not as our property. We should also aim …

Guest Post: Painful Periods

This post is written by a 21-year-old girl from Islamabad suffering with a condition that has had a serious impact on her life, yet many don’t even consider it an illness. She belongs to the upper-middle class which is why she had access to the best medical facilities in Islamabad and Lahore. Still, she faced …

Ban Small-Talk

Are you also bored of the same conversations over and over? Do you also feel you don’t really need to know the answer to: How’s your day been?  How do you like the weather? or  How’s work treating you?’  I have never been a fan of small-talk. I have talked about it before too. Recently, I …

Relationship Changes After Childbirth

Huge life changes can be scary as they can make or break us and our relationships. After a BIG change in our lives, our romantic relationships often tend to go through a difficult patch. But constant communication, understanding and tolerance can help us get over those hurdles.  About a month ago, I shared a poll …

Challenges with Breastfeeding

I have always wanted my blog to be a place of inspiration and positivity. But life isn’t all about that. There are so many things we have to figure out the hard way. Sometimes, they just don’t get sorted out, no matter how hard we try.  My delivery and postpartum experiences have been too upsetting …
