Showing 24 Result(s)

Organizing Chaos: Travel Kits

Our picture in Lahore in front of Badshahi mosque Irrespective of our reasons, most of us wander a lot in our lives. Some want to just explore the world; others travel for work or family.  During a road trip to Dolgellau, Wales I have been a travel enthusiast all my life. My dad was in …

Organizing Chaos Series: Finance & Asset Management

Introduction Finance and asset management is vital in our life. If we don’t sort these out, the consequences can be catastrophic. Slight inattentiveness, negligence or recklessness can cost someone his whole life’s hard work and a lot of mental and physical disturbance.    Photo Credits: Waliya Najib Photography Importance Keeping track of your money is one …

That Last Glance

There are some simple habits that we can build, that have a huge impact in our lives. Such habits can free us from so much hassle and inconvenience through our days. The sooner we can implement them, the lesser we lose and life becomes so much easier. Cosmos coach in Austria One of such things …
