Showing 11 Result(s)

Hear the Silence

Sharing a poem I wrote in September 2002 over 17 years ago. I won first prize for this poem on All-Pakistan Valentine’s day Poetry contest in Marriott hotel Islamabad. Why tell him the feelings that you in yourself, hide Why disclose the love that you, feel inside When it’s already exposed, right by his side …

Be Me

Spot me I am repulsive Rate me I am worthless Feel me I am cold Touch me I will reduce to pieces   Hold me I am hollow Use me I am trash Play me I am defeated Win me I am lost Suffer me I am a curse Be me I am worse Hate …

…And I Walk Away

This poem is dedicated to Flt Lt. Nasrullah a pilot who became a paraplegic due to a car accident and broke off his engagement only so she doesn’t suffer his handicap. What this moment means to me, Only you know, my heart! But I know this cannot last for long This is where we have to …


I silently diffuse into the mist Where there is no soul in sight It’s twenty past the midnight Will I ever come to light? Too many dreams are unlived Too many words need a rhyme Scattered are a zillion thoughts What’s killing me is only time They say time is eternal Yet it waits for …

Have You Ever

Have you ever been caressed by the winds? Have you ever danced in the rain? Have you ever embraced life’s precious moments? Have you ever fancied walking on the most deadly lane? Zugspitzblick, Austria Have you ever slurped the undrinkable? Have you ever witnessed the unseen? Have you ever survived the unlivable? Have you ever …
