photo of person using laptop

If you are passionate about digital marketing and would like to work with me while you learn about different aspects of running a business, you are in the right place. At the moment, I am only hiring team members from Pakistan.

What I am really looking for

Following are the traits that I am really looking for, in the people that work in my team:

  • They show up! (Since its all virtual/online work, I hate people who have a tendency to DISAPPEAR!)
  • They have the drive to learn
  • They are quick to learn
  • They have a good design sense
  • They can write well
  • Loyal & trustworthy

What I need

The help required is mostly around:

  • Designing in Canva or VistaCreate
  • E-book formatting & alignment (good aesthetics are needed)
  • Text editing & copywriting (can include copyrighting Instagram captions)
  • Content creation help or help with creating content calendars
  • Graphic designing
  • Email newsletter writing/editing
  • Updating videos on platforms like YouTube
  • Editing videos/photos

You do not need to have professional experience but if you have any design experience like Canva (or the drive), it will be easier for you.

What my style is

  • Modern simple fonts
  • Pastel colors
  • Easy on the eyes (with white space, no clutter)
  • Readable. Clarity is the key!


The first projects are unpaid but if I really like your work and we are able to create a good professional relationship, I may hire you as my virtual assistant and pay per project from my Pakistani bank account. If you are interested, please fill the form below:

    Please also note that you will only be contacted if there is a vacancy as I get hundreds of submissions. First come first serve.

    At the moment, I already have a team working with me. However, whenever I need any more help with a project, I dig into this pool of applications & contact via Whatsapp no. provided. Thank you for your interest in working with me.

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