- Increased smog and terrible air quality
- Increased allergies
- Increased diseases and shorter life expectancy
- Increased litter
- Deforestation on a
massive level
How can we save the planet
We have been hearing about some of these since childhood but today let’s think of small lifestyle changes we can make in order to save our planet. The realization is all we need. Our children will hate us for destroying the planet if we don’t do something now!

- The first point is education. Increase your knowledge (about recycling, composites and how to save our planet) to help others understand the value of natural resources.
- Plant more trees.
- Recycle used plastic and paper.
Minimize garbage.- Bike more,
carpool , take the bus and generally drive less. - Repair electronics and appliances rather than throwing them away.
- Avoid the use of plastic. Keep grocery bags in car for shopping.
- Use only as much energy as required (electricity, gas). Save it.
- Conserve water. Turn off water while brushing teeth.
- Reuse products rather than throwing them away. e.g. Turn our fancy clothes into night
suits. O ur night suits into dusting cloths. Finally washing clothes and giving away rather than throwing them. - Buy 2nd hand things rather than buying new every time.
- For every new
toy you get, donate one. - Share living spaces.
- Stop smoking. Bad for you, bad for the planet.
- Turn trash into art. (Check out the article shared below).
- Turn the engine of the vehicle off when stationary.
- Use fewer sprays which use Aerosol containers as they increase pollution.
- Avoid fireworks as they increase pollution
- Say No to litter. Never throw any rubbish anywhere (including water).
- Volunteer for cleanups.
- Don’t burn crops and garbage. (Smoke increases pollution)
- Eat more local organic foods. Avoid junk food with plastic packaging.
- Avoid driving old vehicles with harmful emissions.
- Prefer cleaning cloths/tissues to wipes.

What we can do
I understand climate change and environmental sciences can be really overwhelming as its not possible for us to make all the above lifestyle changes fully.
What we can do first of all is to be aware of it. Then we can slowly think of alternatives to switch to. It’s not actually as hard as it sounds.
The most important thing to motivate you is that this is our planet and we must play our role in saving the planet for our future generations.
Great Examples
Must-Watch Documentaries
- Before the flood by Leonardo Dicaprio
2. The Inconvenient Truth by Algore
I’d love to know:
- Do you also feel strongly about climate change?
- What are the lifestyle changes you have made?
- Do you have any other ideas to add to the list above?
- How do you plan to reduce your waste?