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Our Role in Saving the Planet

obvious how badly our beloved planet earth is getting destroyed for our future generations through:

How can we save the planet

We have been hearing about some of these since childhood but today let’s think of small lifestyle changes we can make in order to save our planet. The realization is all we need. Our children will hate us for destroying the planet if we don’t do something now!

What we can do

I understand climate change and environmental sciences can be really overwhelming as its not possible for us to make all the above lifestyle changes fully.

What we can do first of all is to be aware of it. Then we can slowly think of alternatives to switch to. It’s not actually as hard as it sounds.

The most important thing to motivate you is that this is our planet and we must play our role in saving the planet for our future generations.

Great Examples

Must-Watch Documentaries

  1. Before the flood by Leonardo Dicaprio

2. The Inconvenient Truth by Algore

Here is his other TED talk on climate change


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