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The 5 Foundations of Optimal Health and Wellness

When your health and wellness are out of balance, you experience life dissatisfaction, mental health issues, and financial and emotional stress. Understanding the foundations of your mental health and wellness is one of the best ways to optimize your life quality when things are rough.  

Mental Health 

Mental health includes psychological, emotional, and social elements. It forms the foundations of our life quality and life experience. There are few things in life more important than mental health, but managing a mental health issue or episode can be challenging and very stressful. 

Recognizing that your mental health is crucial, and noticing when you are operating at sub-optimal levels, are important starting points for managing mental health. Make sure you make life decisions that align with your current mental health condition and try to destress.   

Physical Health 

Physical health is another important foundation for your overall health and life quality. When it comes to health and wellness, everything is connected. That’s why physical training can result in more energy and optimism in your life. Physical activity can bring back balance to your life. 

Practicing meditation and mindfulness can help you to let go of your thoughts and manage your emotions more skillfully, but physical activity is an important supporting element. When you exercise, your brain releases chemicals that improve your mood. Find out more at

Financial Health 

Financial health might not be the first thing you consider when thinking about your health and wellness, but it is important and one of the foundations of health and wellness. Financial health doesn’t mean earning huge sums of money, but you need enough to support your overall health. 

Financial pressure and money stress have a severe impact on your mental health and wellbeing, but managing your finances and having everything in order helps your mind to relax and focus on other areas of your health. Spend regular time on finances, or hire an accountant. 

Relationship Health 

The quality of our relationships also plays a key role in our overall mental health and wellbeing. Whether you have an issue with a friend, a partner, or a family member, it can affect your general health and life quality. But relationships can be challenging and difficult to harmonize. 

If you are having difficulties with someone in your life, it’s important to recognize what is going on for you internally. Next, approach the person in your life to ask if they are willing to work with you on the relationship. Most relationship issues can be improved with effective communication.   

Personal Passions 

There are two types of passion in the world, obsessive passions and harmonious passions. In general, passions are viewed as positive, but that’s not always the case. If you are ambitious with your passion and you make it part of your identity, it can be detrimental to your wellbeing. 

That said, passions can also be extremely beneficial, especially when they are harmonious. A harmonious passion is one that you enjoy for the fun of it. Harmonious passions take you into a state of flow and release lots of happy hormones in the brain. It is another of the foundations.   

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